Has our political system dissolved to the point that we can no longer do what is best for the people of this country versus political stubbornness and egos? Our present political process is more like the NFL, its no longer about doing what is right for the people, but more about blocking and tackling the progress of anything that will help get our nation out of the mess were in.
Its past the time for the blame game. Lets leave that for the historians, but right now we need a star quarterback to step into the game and lead us to victory. We need our offensive line to block the bad guys from attacking our QB, but instead our own offense live is turning and rushing our own guys.
Lets remember, were all on the same team. The Senate and Congress are there to protect not only the QB, but also the team. Were all in this together. We elected this QB, he won the starting position, and now we have to work together to get our team down the field and into the end zone. Its time for our QB to grab the linemen by the face masks and tell them to get their heads in the game, put away their own agendas, the season is going on and we need to win this one for all the gyppers out there.