Wednesday, September 22, 2010

False celebrities

We have enough actors and actresses out there don't we? I mean look at all of them, theirs thousands. I mean we all know Deniro, Nickelson, Pitt, etc..all the high end celebrities and then of course there is all the sports celebrities and news celebrities, but now we have this entire new in breed of pseudo celebrities that are only celebrities because they star of reality shows that well, require no acting or athletic ability. It requires no memorization of lines or athletic ability to run down a field and catching a ball thrown slightly slower than the speed of light. They just have to be rude, crude, obnoxious, and have the cooth of an egg fart in church. They bring nothing to the entertainment world except to fill the reality gap in some peoples lives.
But if that were not enough that these pseudo celebrities were walking down the red carpet as if they were up for an academy award, an honor only bestowed on REAL celebrity actors, directors, writers and makers of movies but yet these failures of screen and life are now plastered all over the media as if they did something, but the caption always reads the gossip on....... or the other is ......... was arrested again. These are not celebrities, these are the anti-role models for our children and future.
Now some will argue that these people are artists and I just don't understand what they are bringing to the world in the form of their art.... This may be true, I don't claim to be an artist, unless I am swinging a 20 pound chainsaw around. All I know is there needs to be a fine, no a very thick line drawn and actually since our country is in the mood to build a fence, lets keep another one that separates our real celebrities from these one hit wonder, flavor of the month tabloid page fillers.
Lets bring some decency and glamor back to Hollywood and the entertainment industry.