The youth of today have no idea who Bogart is. Well they think its a slang term for someone who does not share their food or pot. But in reality, Humphrey Bogart was the man for decades. His ability cold hard demeanor was what set Hollywood standards for years to follow. We don't have anyone even close to him today.
Some might say George Clooney is a Bogart want to be and I might agree. But Clooney's cool monotone speech looses out to the quick violent tone that Bogart was able to turn off and on in the blink of an eye.
Bogart was cool before we knew what cool was. Before Sinatra and the Rat Pack revealed it and thought they branded it. Today, cool is so over used and abused that it has lost all its relevance to our society. People think politics are cool, really? Have you seen Sarah Palin lately or our inept Congress?
So what is cool? Personally I have a question as to what is cool? I mean the term "cool" has been so undermined, bastardized and abused since cool was cool, it is hard to keep track.
Lets look at the term and what it was originally set up to mean. Cool was the younger persons way (if you believe the original origin of the 70's hit t.v. show Happy Days) of saying something is nice. But over the past few decades, Nice has evolved to cool and then cool became "Bad" in the 70's which then become "gnarly" in the 80's to be replace with the "bomb" in the 90's followed by "hot" in the 2000's and now cool has evolved into, well I am getting to old to be allowed into that circle of young hip kids to be worthy of their lingo.
There was always the off shoots to, those flash in the pan, quick one season wonders that made the t-shirt market....I mean some even sparked off into quick sound bits into movies and showed up as even iconic cultural mentions that specifically dates a time period.
Just as an example, if you were old enough to remember the budlight commercial from the mid-90's......"whatzzzzz upppppp." While that was more of a greeting, bit was also a way to say things are cool when you replied repeating the same greeting.
So what is my point, nothing. Because if I am trying to make one, that would not be cool.